1. Do you often feel excessively worried or anxious?
2. Do you experience panic attacks or sudden feelings of terror?
3. Do you avoid situations that make you feel anxious?
4. Do you feel the need to perform certain rituals or routines repeatedly?
5. Do you have intrusive thoughts that you can't control?
6. Do you feel distressed if you can't complete a ritual?
7. Do you often feel sad, empty, or hopeless?
8. Have you lost interest in activities you used to enjoy?
9. Do you often feel fatigued or lack energy?
10. Do you often feel a lack of remorse or guilt?
11. Do you manipulate others to get what you want?
12. Do you often lie to achieve your goals?
13. Do you have trouble concentrating or making decisions?
14. Do you often feel irritable or angry?
15. Do you have trouble sleeping or sleep too much?
16. Do you feel emotionally detached from others?
17. Do you find it difficult to feel fear or anxiety?
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